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Sunday 19th May 2024: Delights of Ditchling Walk

The Delights of Ditchling Walk will take place at 2pm on Sunday 19th May, led by Gary.

Before walking with us, please familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions and Safety Advice.


We first head through complicated pathways past posh houses, Village Greens, Cemetery, woodland and wetlands (can be muddy) to an ancient small Saxon Church, then up a steep incline onto the South Downs Way, up past Ditchling Beacon, beautiful views before returning back down to Ditchling and a stop at the Bull Pub for a well earned drink/snack.


2pm on Sunday 19th May

Walk Leader:



7 miles


Moderate with one steep climb.


Car via B2112

Meeting Point:

Meet at the entrance to the car park for Ditchling (St. Margaret’s) CE Primary and Nursery School – BN6 8TU on the Lewes Road.

Google Maps Location: