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Sunday 3rd March 2024: Wombling Around Wannock

The Wombling Around Wannock Walk will take place at 2pm on Sunday 3rd March, led by Andrew.

Before walking with us, please familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions and Safety Advice.


From Wannock we will head to Folkington via Cranedown Bottom, then head up to the South Downs Way, which we follow to Jevington to stop for some refreshments at the Eight Bells. We return to our starting point across the hills with beautiful views in all directions.


2pm on Sunday 3rd March

Walk Leader:



6.3 miles


Moderate, with a couple of step hills.


Car – via A27/A259 and Jevington Road.

Train – to Polegate station, from which it is a mile to the starting point.

Meeting Point:

Junction of Jevington Road / Wannock Road / Wannock Lane

Google Maps Location: