Sunday 22nd October: The Witches of East Dean Walk

The Witches of East Dean Walk will take place at 2pm on Sunday 22nd October, led by Gary.

Before walking with us, please familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions and Safety Advice.


We will walk up to Friston and then down through the forest, along the practise race-horse area, down into Jevington, then up along the South Downs Way to where we will have lovely views to the east and west of the area, returning via Friston and back to East Dean where we can have a drink at The Tiger Inn.


2pm on Sunday 22nd October

Walk Leader:



6.8 miles


Moderate with a couple of longish moderate climbs.


Car: Via the A259.

Bus: 12 / 12A / 13 to East Dean.


Park in the East Dean Car Park, or sometimes along the road leading down to it.

Meeting Point:

By the bus stop at the junction of the A259 and Gilberts Drive.

Google Maps Location: