Sunday 24th March 2024: Exploring the Chailey Commons Walk

The Exploring the Chailey Commons Walk will take place at 2pm on Sunday 24th March, led by Gary.

Before walking with us, please familiarise yourself with our Terms & Conditions and Safety Advice.


Gentle hills up and down over several ‘Commons’ in delightful countryside. No pub or tea stops but we could go to the pub in Chailey after for a drink.


2pm on Sunday 24th March

Walk Leader:



5.5 – 6 miles


Moderate – gentle hills up and down.


Car via A27 / A275.

Meeting Point:

Meet at a small area off the road leading to Sheffield Park off of the A272, first turn left after the mini-roundabout coming into North Chailey either from Lewes or from Haywards Heath direction. After turning onto the Sheffield Park Road A275 about 30metres/yards turn left down a small side road and you will see off road parking where we will start the walk.

Google Maps Location: